District Location and Info:
District Location and Info:
Eastern Shore SWCD
22545 Center Parkway
Accomac, VA 23301
(757) 302-4431
Fax: (757) 787-3769
Office Hours: Monday- Friday 8:00 am - 4:30 pm
The Eastern Shore Soil and Water Conservation District Board of Directors meet the second Wednesday of every month at 5:00 pm to conduct District business.
All meetings are open to the public. Meeting date changes will be posted.
The Eastern Shore Soil and Water Conservation District Board of Directors meet the second Wednesday of every month at 5:00 pm to conduct District business.
All meetings are open to the public. Meeting date changes will be posted.
Serving Accomack and Northampton Counties
FY25 Cost Share Sign-Up Coming Soon
Carmie Ross- District Manager, (757) 302--4431 / carmie.savage@esswcd.org
Bill Savage- Conservation Specialist, (757) 302-4437 / bill.savage@esswcd.org
Palmer Smith- Conservation Technician, (757) 302-4421 / palmer.smith@esswcd.org
A Nutrient Management Plan must be prepared and certified by a
Virginia certified Nutrient Management Planner; and must be on file with
the District before any cost-share payment is made to the participant.
Cost Share funding for Nutrient Management Planning is available.
Please sign-up during the cost share period listed above.
NM-3C Sidedress Application of Nitrogen on Corn at the 6-Leaf Stage or at least 15" in Height
(Click on NM-3C link above to read program specifications)
Application of any sidedress of N on corn must be made after the corn is at the 6-leaf stage or 15"-24' in height.
Fields receiving only N fertilizer, split applications will be based on soil sample results and the nutrient management plan.
Fields that have previously received manure or biosolid applications according to their current nutrient management plan, a pre-sidedress nitrate test (PSNT) will determine the amount of N necessary in the split application. The total acres specified by the nutrient management plan to receive manure will determine the max acres to qualify for reimbursement of the PSNT sample.
PSNT must be done when corn is approximately 12' in height
PSNT samples should represent a minimum of 7 acres and a max of 20 acres
Cost for PSNT sample collection and analysis by a commercial lab will be reimbursed at a flat rate.
A cost share payment of 75% of the application change up to a max of $6.00 per acre is available for contracted applications. Producers applying their own sidedress will receive $6.00 per acre applied. The NM-3C Application Record Keeping Form must be filled in to track the applications and must be submitted to the District within two weeks of the application. If contracted out, the producer must provide a copy of the invoice or bill. PSNT results must be provided (if PSNT samples were taken).
VA Tax Credits: As set forth by VA Code 58.1-339.3 and 58.1-439.5, VA currently provides a tax credit for implementation of certain BMP practices. The current tax credit rate, which is subject to change in accordance with the Code of VA, is 25% of tout of pocket expenses not to exceed $25,000.00. For those BMPs on tracts that have a Resource Management Plan, the tax credit is 50% of the out of pocket expenses not to exceed $50,000.00.